Saturday, February 07, 2009

麗奈回歸 Polaroid is BACK ﹗﹗﹗

當同事 K 從右方遞上今期《Milk》,粗黑字體「Polaroid is BACK ﹗﹗﹗」,這條題真是猶如苦悶空氣中的甘露。SX- 70 Land Camera Alpha 1 的「黃金戰士版」又繼續「曬命」似的出現,總有羨慕的目光在左近。

文中提及到 Polaroid Fans 大有可能結束「慳住駛菲林」的生活,將有新公司於 2010 年成立,重新生產 Integral Film,雖然只限於 SX-70 及 600 系,而 peel apart 的 100 、 80 系 (即 664、667、665、 88、89 等),以及 Spectra 的都不會重生,只求 fujifilm 繼續支援,不過也叫大部份人的麗奈重獲新生,有望結束 bid 菲林生涯,真是 可喜可賀。

麗奈一生就是充滿傳奇,連起死回生也要有個奇妙的名字「The Impoosible Project」,不可能的變成可能了。多得 的維也納商人 Florian Kaps (同為 的創立人) 拉攏了 與黑白攝影明星品牌 Ilford 的合作關係,生產新一代的 Integral 菲林,

(有人稱兩雄相遇簡直是 " The match made in Heaven"﹗) 目標是頭一年生產 300 百萬張,繼而年產 1 千萬張,這當然比當年全盛時期的年產 1 億少得很,不過也救了世上千千萬萬的麗奈人罷。

手頭上的菲林還有 3 -4盒,一季一盒,春夏秋冬過後,這會有新血嗎?希望價錢回落點,一下走掉了 10 數元可不是味兒呀。但莫論價錢,這消息也令我興奮了好幾天。

Ilford Photo / Harman Technologies has just issued this press release concerning the making of new Polaroid films.

19th January 2009 :


After the decision by Polaroid in 2008 to cease production of its instant films, a much loved method of photography looked set to disappear forever. However, leading photo-imaging company, HARMAN technology Limited can confirm it is now involved in a new venture which could deliver welcome news to millions of Polaroid instant camera fans across the world.The manufacturer - whose brands include the ILFORD monochrome analogue range, HARMAN PHOTO inkjet papers and KENTMERE PHOTOGRAPHIC products - is supporting 'The Impossible Project' which is being spearheaded by a Dutch business known as Impossible B.V.Formed by a group of businessmen and a number of ex-Polaroid employees, Impossible B.V. has signed a 10-year lease on part of Polaroid's former factory in Enschede, Netherlands and acquired some of Polaroid's original production machining for producing integral films for SX70 cameras.As the business aims not to rebuild Polaroid integral film but to develop a new product with new and improved characteristics, it has turned to HARMAN and its 130 years of experience in the production of analogue films for product development guidance and additional insight on manufacturing methods.HARMAN's product development team has confirmed the manufacturer is able to create the desired instant film but negotiations continue as to the extent of future involvement.As Howard Hopwood, HARMAN technology's Chairman, points out: "Recognising the almost cult status and huge following of Polaroid instant cameras, we would love to be involved in any initiative which preserves their future use. To this end, we did try to take on production of Polaroid instant film in the latter half of 2008 but could not reach a commercially viable agreement with the Polaroid Corporation.The Impossible Project represents a new glimmer of hope but we must also stress that discussions are still in the early stages. We would like nothing more than to reach a satisfactory agreement and should this happen, a prototype could be unveiled by late 2009 with a view to full scale production commencing is 2010".

Friday, February 06, 2009

草島記事 一

塔門有一個洋名,Grass island,開宗明義的為登陸的人送上一大片草地。

時值冬季,草還沒掃上翠綠色,又或者她整年都是染上淡淡的黃、暗暗的綠調子;我們把久久未呼吸新鮮空氣的帳篷趟出來,天幕沒被拉緊,又被大風吹得緊貼著營幕,傻乎乎的,我知道總會被那一群持重型裝備的 camper 嘲笑,不過,誰在乎。

我也開始覺得,還是不要在乎營釘是否以 45 度角插入泥土。


風就是擅作主張地吹,有點野蠻。放飛模型飛機的遊人被她捉弄,我們也要另覓屏障燃起爐火,不過就是愛那沒頭沒腦地吹,在石灘吹來的海浪,吹亂我的頭髮,卻把思路記憶 flash back 得如此清晰。我還是世俗得在這自然中幹不到「冥想」這會事。

